Tuesday, January 29, 2013


  Eyes open, its that few seconds before you realize all that you have to do today.   I hear kids, my older ones got up with the grandbabies and gave them breakfast, good, now I can actually get a shower and get dressed before I go out of  my room.  My day goes so much smoother when I can stick to my routine.
I used to be the one that once my eyes were open I was up out of that bed, dressed and on task all day long.  Now its like get up, back hurts, stretch that out little then step out of bed and heals hurt also.  I think to myself just a few more steps to my flip flops and then smooth sailing.  Get to the shower and think I am always cold so this is not enjoyable till I am out and put back  together.  Then yes I feel like I can start the day, first hurdle jumped.

  Now out the bedroom into the hall hoping the living room is not to messed up since the kids have been up before me.  I have a certain routine in the morning.  I go to the kitchen  and if there are any dishes I load them into the dishwasher and clean off the counters (again).   I then make sure the highchairs have been washed up and sweep the floor. I can't cook until the kitchen is clean.

  I go to the living room and bring any cups into the kitchen then back to pick up whatever toys got left on the floor from night before.  Open the blinds and get the vacuum and get that done. Start to feel like I am gaining on my chores. Turn the ceiling fan on low cause by then I am finally warming up.  Back to the kitchen  to start laundry then what to cook?  Not sure.  Look in the fridge to refresh my memory of what was left over from the day before and think what I am hungry for.  I usually don't get around to eating till lunch.  Try to figure out whether to freeze left overs or serve them.  Do I feel like cooking? Sure I do. Probably will serve the Turkey noodle soup for lunch and freeze any left overs for my husband to take in his lunch for work and make something completely new for dinner.  Thats the plan then!

  I have turkey cooked, chopped and froze to put in something, pork chops, chopped and frozen chicken, frozen stock etc.  Not sure need to search web and see if there are any frugal recipes that give me any ideas, I usually never follow a recipe entirely, I always change something or add something.  I find that I like more flavor than most recipes call for.

  Have to get started!
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