Saturday, March 9, 2013


  Went to Walmart and the Dollar Tree today partly cause I needed some things but mostly because it was 60 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  I had a few projects in mind to make for Easter for my kids and wanted to see if any of the things it would take to make them would be there.  I got dish soap, band-aids, toothpaste, aluminum foil, batteries, SEEDS (yay!), a couple Easter decorations, potting soil and a few other things.  I love when its time to start the seeds indoors!  Another thing I found there was the original "Topsy Turvy" that was advertised on tv.  The planter for tomatoes that hangs upside down.  I bought 2 of them because 1 dollar was a far cry from the original 19.99 that they started out as.  I can't make it for 1 dollar.  That was my "find" of the day.

  I headed over to Walmart because they have what I have coupons for at the best price.  I had went to the website for Mt. Olive Pickles and filled out the subscribe page for special offers and if you did that you got a coupon sent to you snail mail.  I filled it out a couple dozen times to see if they would sent more than one and guess what they did and the coupon amount is 1 dollar off any of the Mt. Olive Products.  I took 14 coupons with me and had to stop in the store and look up on the internet on my phone Walmarts coupon policy to see if they had a limit on how many of the same coupon you could use and they do not so I got 10 bottles of pickles for .98 cents a jar and 2 free squeeze bottles of relish, 1 bottle of sweet jerkins, and one bottle of these little salad peppers that unless I go get the jar I have no idea how to spell their name.

  Then of course my son had to make a pit-stop at the toy dept. to spend some of his money he saved which was right next to the gardening dept. so I thought I would take a look and see if they had any additional seeds that I might need.  I have a few herbs that I want to plant which are Basil, Cilantro, and Parsley and I only found Parsley at the dollar store so I found the rest here.  I did get Oregano at the dollar store too.    I am now set to get my seedlings started tomorrow.  I am also going to make some of those bird feeders that I put on my last post also.

  My daughters have a project tomorrow to do also.  I had an old spice rack out in my garage that I brought in and they are going to clean it up and paint it a bright color and make it into a nail polish holder.  Excited about that cause It is such a cool way to display and store all that nail polish in a big container in my closet in my bathroom.

  I was at Michael's Craft Supply store a few months ago and while I was there they marked down their unfinished bird houses to 1 and 2 dollars.  I bought every one that someone else didn't grab.  I told my kids they could paint some of them and I am going to paint one of the big ones to put up outside on the tree.

    Got a really good deal on them!!

Heading to bed so I can get up and get tons done!!  Goodnight!

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