Wednesday, February 27, 2013


    I was reading an article about establishing a daily routine to get it all done and stay on top of things.  I try to stay on top of things but like with any "normal" mom/wife I fall behind quite often.  Let me get a headache or toothache and have to sit down for a little while.  Everything I thought I had accomplished starts to come undone.  As I sat here reading others blogs and ideas on this I realized I guess I do have a somewhat routine and never even thought about it I just get up and start in and try to get to that point (I am sure all women know exactly what this means) where you feel like you are over the hump and can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The point where you start following people around and tell them to put there glass away when they are done and put the laundry by the washer not on the bathroom floor.  My family seem to have a problem with using 25 glasses a day.  I have threatened to get rid of all but 8 glasses so they have no choice but to use the same glass over and over in one day.   Also the glasses are always on end tables, mantel,dressers, floor, table, counter, etc. never in the sink (unless I put them there).

  When I get up I never leave my room without pulling up my comforter's and straightening the pillows.  Even if my bedroom is a mess it feels like the bedroom is ok as long as the bed is made.  I like to then go in and wipe down the bathrooms with either lysol cleaner or  bleach cleaner right before my shower.  I have to of course put away daughters makeup, lotion, hairspray, brushes, hairbands, and curling irons first and aside from the once a week deep cleaning of the sink and counter I take the towel after my shower and wipe sink and counter down with the damp towel.  Once a week it gets the works!  After the shower I whip up my hair so I feel put together, no makeup unless actually going to a Dr. or something important.   I then scoop up the laundry out of the bathroom (sometimes I light a candle)  and take to the washer.  

  Kids get woke up for breakfast and homeschooling (not always so easy, lol) at this point.  I strongly suggest to them that I want them to make their beds (not perfectly) and at least brush hair so they feel good and awake.

  When I get in the kitchen I unload the dishwasher (if I didn't do it the night before) and load it.  I never put pans in the dishwasher so if there are any I wash them and whatever else didn't fit and then put it away and wash off all the surfaces and spot clean the fronts of the appliances ( thorough cleaning with lysol once a week).  I always run a half sink of hot soapy water and leave it so as things get dirty I wash them so most times the dishes won't get built up.  I feel on top of things if I keep them up and counters clean even if I am cooking.  If I am baking I stick to one bowl when mixing and I wash it right away and use it for the next thing I am making.  If I dirty mixing spoons, spatula's, beaters, knives or anything I rinse it and throw right into soapy water and wash.  I keep a folded towel next to the sink so I can dry anything little that I need to.

  Next if I need bread made or something thawed for dinner I start the breadmaker and sit out what I need thawed.  Next I sweep (always)  then I take the bare floor vacuum and quick vacuum too cause I have dogs and I want to get the little bit of hair that sweeping doesn't get.

  Next (my washer is in a closet in my dining room with bi-fold doors) to the washer to fold clothes from the dryer from day before and go put them on everyones bed.  Put towels in the bathroom too.  I keep a sock basket in my room and thats where all the socks go unless there is a def. match then I match it and give to the right person.  I do not take the time daily to match socks.  I figure if I get them all in one place then its not hard for everyone to just grab a pair when they need them.   I then go and throw a new load in the washer.

  I head to the living room which I had probably already asked one of the kids to pick up the babies toys and get that vacuumed.  I do not feel like I can sit down and be relaxed unless these things are done.  It just feels like if I do not vacuum after sweeping that all the stuff on the carpet or vice versa will end up traveling as people walk around the house.   

  After this I just keep throwing laundry going  and go with the flow of whatever needs done.  I keep picking laundry up from bathrooms, grab cups left everywhere and wash right away.  If I feed the babies in the high chairs I make a point to never leave the trays dirty.  It for one is easier to wash them when they just used them so never leave them.  I sweep whatever they drop up right away and take them out.  I think my routine is to just try to keep on top of everything by doing it little  by little as the mess happens.  

  These steps are what I do everyday so I don't I feel off for the day!  I guess I never realized it has became a routine for me.  

  Whats your routine?   Always happy to learn something new!  Comment and let me know!
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  Change of plans today, Grandbaby supposed to go to daycare for the day to share cupcakes for his birthday (3 years)  but he decided he did not want to go so he stayed home with Grandma for the day.  He was treated for an ear infection 1 week ago and it was questionable whether it was going away fast enough, so I took him to the Dr. for a recheck and it is going away slowly but surely.  I promised to take him to the store to pick out his birthday present so we did!  He walked in like he owned the store and picked out a bunny on a tricycle that was holding a sucker and said he wanted one for him and one for his sister.  He then ran down the isle and grabbed a big "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" ball and then turned around and grabbed a candy filled small tube of candy for easter that had a bunny on top  of it holding a fishing pole.  Last but not least he grabbed a small bag of miniature Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and then he ran to the register and that was it he was done and wanted to leave.  So we did!

 Home to make spaghetti and meatballs (Bryce's choice), chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles, chocolate ice cream, and cookies.  Yum!  He blew out his candles, was sang to and opened lots of presents.  Of course what is he playing with now?  Balloons!!  LOL

  Tomorrow needs to be bread making day cause we are very very low!  I want to make a couple pumpkin pies but need to make a run to store for shortening to make my crusts.  I want to make 6 and freeze 4.  I am going to make then freeze in the pie tins lined with parchment paper and then pop out of pans and put in freezer bags so when I want to make them I will drop them back into a pan and bake.  Need also to decide which meals to make and  freeze ahead cause we are running low.

  I found a very cute idea the other day on  the internet to turn an old spice rack into a nail polish holder for my girls.  I happen to have a very old spice rack that needed something done to it.  Here's a picture.  This is going to be my weekend project then I will post pictures of mine.
   Excited to make this for my girls, they have tons of nail polish and this is a great way to display it so they can clearly see what they have.  And I was just letting this shelf sit in the garage!  So glad I found this good idea.  Love it when I find a way to make a place for something to get it organized.  So much easier to keep things put away when it has it's own place!
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